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How to survive the first hours Tutorial for Vintage Story
with Pictures

Author: Kai Effelsberg

1. Look for reeds at waterfronts, harvest them and craft hand baskets (10 cattails or papyrus) and reed baskets (24 cattails or papyrus), to be able to store more items. If you're using a knife, you'll also cut their roots, which are edible when cooked. Hand baskets have to be placed into one of the bag slots in order to unlock additional inventory slots.

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    Find reeds at waterfronts

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    Craft baskets

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    Hand baskets go here

2. Look for loose flint on the ground. Flintstone can be used to craft primitive tools.

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    Collect flint stone

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    Craft your first tools

3. Study the handbook (H) to produce tools & weapons made out of flint. Ctrl & right click on the ground while holding a flintstone in your hands to get started.

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    Study the handbook

  • Learn how to play Vintage Story

    Produce tools & weapons

4. Seek shelter in abandoned buildings (modded server feature) or underground, to keep yourself warm and sort your items in peace.
Make sure to seal rooms off with a door or solid blocks, else you may continue to freeze.

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    Look out for abandoned buildings

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    Alternatively build underground shelter

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    Seal rooms off with a door or soil

5. If you spawn in winter, you may have to craft a weapon and hunt for prey right away to survive. Be careful, since some animals may attack back!
Harvest animals with a knife. Once you've gathered some meat, you should cook it using a firepit, to make it edible. Use grass and craft a firestarter to start a fire.

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    Craft a spear or bow

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    Hunt for prey

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    Be prepared for counterattacks

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    Cook raw meat

6. In warmer months, look out for bushes carrying berries and harvest them with 'RMB'. You may eat them right away or use them for cooking full meals later.

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    Harvest berries

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    Eat berries as a snack

7. Also check your surroundings for edible mushrooms. Careful - some are poisonous. As with berries, you may eat them as a snack or use them in full meals.

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    Collect mushrooms

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    Eat mushrooms as a snack

8. You'll sometimes stumble across shrines (modded server feature) and ruins that may contain food items as well.

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    Inspect shrines for food items

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    Explore ruins for useful stuff

9. You can try to destroy tree branches to sometimes get acorns (modded server feature), which can be processed & roasted into a 'handful of acorns'.
Check the in-game handbook for further instructions on how to do this. Some traders will sell wooden boards which you'll need to craft the bucket that is required for this.

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    Destroy branches

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    Collect acorns

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    Turn them into a snack

10. You can place torches on the ground or walls, once you've found a good spot for building. Light prevents mobs to spawn nearby at nighttime.
Use a 'temporal gear' from your inventory (hold down 'RMB' while selected and look at the ground for some time) to set your respawn point.
 NOTE: On the server, this has to be repeated after you have died 4 times, else you'll return to main spawn the next time!

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    Place torches for safety at night

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    Set up respawn every 4 deaths

11. Stay inside shelter at night time, to avoid stronger enemies. Craft a hay bed to skip nights if needed.

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    Seek shelter at night

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    Skip nights using a bed

End of Tutorial

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