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Pricing your Items

Updated: 5.March.2024

Note: There are some goods in-game that should not be sold under value, in order to maintain proper economy and prevent new players from advancing to the metal age
in a heartbeat. The below list is a guideline on how you should set your price for an item. You may raise the price to any amount you wish, but do not go below these values.

Minimum Prices:

All Metals higher than Steel (Ingot/Tool) • 15 Crowns

Beeswax (8) • 1 Crowns

Black Bronze (Ingot/Tool) • 4 Crowns

Copper (Ingot/Tool) • 2 Crowns

Flax Twine (16) • 1 Crown

Iron (Ingot/Tool) • 5 Crowns

Leather (4) • 1 Crown

Linen (4) • 1 Crown

Meteoric Iron (Ingot/Tool) • 6 Crowns

Steel (Ingot/Tool) • 10 Crowns

Terra Preta (4) • 1 Crown

Tin Bronze (Ingot/Tool) • 4 Crowns

Translocator (Repaired) • 80 Crowns

Traveler's Backpack Deluxe • 25 Crowns

Warning: Going below these values can be reported by players and will be punished with an in-game penalty payment or server prison, if repeated.

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